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Outlets Upgraded Smart Outlet.

Upgrading Outlets for Modern Devices

Outlets have changed to handle modern gadgets with new features like USB ports and surge protection. Upgrading them boosts safety by cutting down the risk of shock and fire and works well with smart home tech. Look for options like Wi-Fi-enabled outlets and GFCI outlets for better efficiency and safety.   Why Modern Outlets Matter …

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gfci outlets plug in

Maximizing Safety with GFCI Outlets

GFCI outlets are key for keeping electrical safety in check at home. They spot any electrical problems fast to stop electrocution. They’re especially useful around water because they cut off power in less than 30 milliseconds if something’s wrong, keeping you safe even in old houses. Make sure you install them right and test them …

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608 West Lucas Street
Florence, SC 29501

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Mon–Sat | 8:00 am–5:00pm
24/7 Emergency Service

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