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Modern Kitchen Outlets.

Upgrade Kitchen Outlets For Modern Convenience

Upgrade your kitchen outlets to make your space safer and meet today’s power needs. Add GFCI outlets near sinks to prevent shocks, USB outlets for charging devices, and tamper-proof outlets to protect kids. Place outlets every 4 feet on countertops to follow the National Electrical Code (NEC) and keep your kitchen up to standard.   …

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Double smart outlets.

How Smart Outlets Help with Winter Energy Savings

Smart outlets can really help save energy bills in winter. You can control them from anywhere and set schedules to use less power. They show you how much energy you’re using, so you can decide where to cut down and save cash. Plus, they work with different smart home systems, making it easier and more …

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608 West Lucas Street
Florence, SC 29501

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Mon–Sat | 8:00 am–5:00pm
24/7 Emergency Service

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